Auto-Draft Enrollment Form

Auto-Draft Enrollment Form


Please fill out this form if you would like to enroll into Auto-Draft for your WCREALTORS Membership Dues and/or CTXMLS Subscription.

If you have questions, please contact the Association at 512.255.6211 or by emailing


This enrollment form is to set your Membership Dues and/or CTXMLS Subscription with WCREALTORS to auto-draft on the scheduled due date. 


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To learn more about TREPAC, head over to our Advocacy Page.


 TREPAC Contributions are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Contributions to the Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee (TREPAC), the Texas REALTORS® Federal Political Action Committee (TAR FedPAC), and the REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC) are voluntary and may be used for political purposes. The Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution, and you may refuse to contribute without reprisal by the Association.  TREPAC initially receives each contribution, and a percentage of no more than 30% of each contribution is transmitted to RPAC via TAR FedPAC to meet TREPAC’s RPAC annual quota.  RPAC supports Federal candidates with the contributions received, and those contributions are charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. §30116.  The percentage forwarded to RPAC each month may be obtained by contacting the TAR FedPAC administrator at 800-873-9155.